Roasting New Ideas – First Meeting of the Cool Farm Coffee Working Group

On July 23rd, the Cool Farm Coffee Working Group held its inaugural meeting with over 20 enthusiastic attendees. This initiative, chaired by Flaam Hardy from Rainforest Alliance for 2024, aims to co-develop industry-wide guidance for carbon accounting and reduction in the coffee sector using the Cool Farm Platform. In this article, we delve into the key takeaways from the meeting.

What were the main goals of the first working group session?

The first session focused on introductions, aligning objectives and outlining the group’s work. Participants aimed to build a collaborative foundation for future efforts.

What were the most exciting ideas or insights shared?

Nora Burkey shared an update on the Coffee Latin America GHG footprint study that Conservation International has led through the Sustainable Coffee Challenge. This work will see data collected from thousands of coffee farms across South America. The data will be crucial to accelerating action on climate change in coffee production.

How did the diverse group of attendees contribute to the discussion?

The session was marked by a strong commitment and excitement among attendees to get work done, showcasing the collaborative spirit of the group.

What are the immediate next steps for Coffee Working Group?

Since the meeting, membership has grown to around 30 participants.  The working group has established three main work streams so far:

  1. Review of the technical components of the SCC Latin America Coffee Carbon Footprint
  2. Baseline Study project Development of a perennials “lite” version for coffee to decide most critical inputs for largest emission sources  
  3. Development of a Challenge pocket guide on carbon footprint account in coffee, including but not limited to the use of the CFP

The next working group meeting will dive deeper into the footprint study, gathering guidance and insights from the experts in the room. 

What is driving the group’s enthusiasm and commitment? 

The shared goal to make coffee the most sustainable food crop in the world fuels the group’s enthusiasm and commitment.

How can others get involved?

We are inviting Cool Farm members and Sustainable Coffee Challenge partners with an interest in coffee to apply for membership in the Coffee Working Group. Members will contribute their expertise to developing the coffee tool in the Cool Farm Platform and may also recommend projects for science, methods, and software development.

To apply, send a short cover letter and CV to and Your cover letter should include:

  • Relevant expertise and experience using the Cool Farm Tool in coffee
  • Suggested activities for the Working Group

To ensure an inclusive dialogue, we welcome any interested sector expert to apply regardless of membership status in either the Cool Farm Alliance and/or Sustainable Coffee Challenge.

Join us in this exciting journey to make the coffee sector more sustainable!

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