Cool Farm Alliance – Public Annual Report 2021

One year into the “decade of action,” the Cool Farm Alliance is at an inflection point. As the world wakes up to our collective responsibility to deliver a net-zero emissions world, food and agriculture companies are leaning in with supply chain programs that depend on being able to quantify agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration, biodiversity and water conservation. This brings them to the Cool Farm Tool and Cool Farm Alliance.

Agriculture plays a significant role in mitigating climate change and other ecosystem services, and it is important to have a common language that builds literacy throughout global supply chains for maximum impact. Within the Alliance, multiple types of members and users converge around the shared need to use a consistent language and current scientific knowledge to motivate action and generate results.

Today, we are proud to share with you our public annual report 2021 that summarises the activities that have taken place within the Cool Farm Alliance between the annual meeting in April 2020 until end of March 2021. The report previews plans for building on the success of the Alliance, taking it forward so that agriculture may contribute to the net-zero emissions world that is within our reach, and is our responsibility to deliver.

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