Pioneering Sustainable Agriculture at the Cool Farm Annual Event

Prepare to journey into Kynetec’s world, where sustainable agriculture meets data-driven innovation. Hear from Jordan Le Roux, Senior Director at Kynetec, as we uncover their insights and aspirations for the Cool Farm Annual Event.

Can you tell us a bit about Kynetec?

We’ve been talking to farmers in all major agricultural countries around the world about decisions they make on their farms for over 20 years.  We started as a market research company with all the disciplines needed to collect data precisely from representative, and perfectly structured, farm samples and now do this as well as pull data from agri-tech.  Our clients use our data to measure and track how they’re performing as well as guide future tactics and strategy.  We have offices and 800 staff in over 30 countries, conduct over 1,000 be spoke studies a year in 80 countries and cover crops and livestock agriculture and horticulture.

What motivated Kynetec to attend and sponsor this year’s event?  

Given our track record in talking to farmers, measuring how sustainable farmers are is an obvious thing to do for Kynetec.  We talk to over 200,000 farmers each year via our farmer panels and it is easy for us to top up the questions we ask regarding their use of farm inputs with questions on regenerative/sustainability practices.  We match the data input requirements of Cool Farm Tool (and other models) and are certainly one of the biggest users of the Cool Farm Tool. We ran c.5 million assessments last year.  As a heavy  user, we invest in the success of Cool Farm Alliance.  It feels like we need to give something back… sponsorship is one way.

Could you share insights into what you hope to gain or learn from this year’s annual meeting? 

We are keen to hear plans Cool Farm have for developing the model such as new crops, biodiversity and compliance with the Land Sector Removals Guidance.  Hearing more about these developments is already a lot and we also love the networking sessions.  We normally attend the Cool Farm Annual Event and are grateful for how Cool Farm brings people together, creates opportunity to share ideas and innovation, and builds friendships and rapport.  It is a fun few days.  We are hoping for the same in Amsterdam!

How do you interpret the theme “Growing a Thriving World” in the context of your work? 

There are different ways to interpret this.  Sustainability within this theme is one I would choose… we see increased interest in what we are doing to measure and track environmental impacts consistently each year.  We believe that others are seeing the same way and a world where data needs continue to grow and evolve.

We look forward to seeing Jordan and the rest of the Cool Farm Community at the Annual Event!

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