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Become a member of our Alliance

As a member of the Cool Farm Alliance, you become part of a pre-competitive community of companies and that strive to drive positive environmental impact in agricultural supply chains.

  • Support our mission to deliver science-driven metrics for sustainable agriculture.
  • Become part of the Cool Farm community of members with a unified voice and approach for building literacy and understanding the relationship between agriculture, climate change mitigation, regeneration and resilience.
  • Benefit from a diverse network, exchange of knowledge and external visibility.
  • Influence and vote on the strategic direction and developments of the Cool Farm Tool.
  • Member-only Cool Farm Tool (CFT) features include: unlimited assessments, data export and aggregation, API integration (subject to an additional licensing fee).

The Cool Farm Tool is free for farmers, provided by the Alliance members. Supply chain and retail business require Alliance membership to use the Tool directly, or via their supply chains.

Membership Fee Structure


£ 2,386

per annum

Non-subsidiary, independent organisation earning less than £9M revenue* per annum (€10M)


£ 5,417

per annum

Subsidiary or independent organisation earning less than £45M revenue* per annum (€50M)


£ 10,833

per annum

Subsidiary or independent organisation earning less than £450M revenue* per annum (€500M)



£ 21,666

per annum

Corporate subsidiary that is a single legal entity, earning revenue* in excess of £450M (€500M) per annum – please note that this membership tier excludes the subsidiary’s parent company (or other subsidiaries) from the CFA membership



£ 43,333

per annum

Corporate group that includes and represents multiple legal entities under its direct control, group earnings revenue* in excess of £450M (€500M) per annum – please note that this membership allows all your subsidiaries to benefit from CFA membership and includes API licensing**

For academic research & project-related use of the CFT, please complete the CFT Project Application Form which contains information about project pricing tiers.
For questions about either Cool Farm Alliance membership or Cool Farm Tool Project use, please contact us at 
* This refers to the “top line” income generate through a business’ primary operations (not net income). 
**Corporate Group API Licencing includes Tier 5 API usage (1.25M assessment calls), and discounted pricing for higher tiers.

Please note that membership fees increase annually in January. This fee increase is based on the UK Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded the September of the previous year.

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Cool Farm Community?

You are just a few steps away. Fill in the membership form below and once you are ready, send the signed form to, so we can start your onboarding process.

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Calling Dairy & Beef Farmers in Scotland, N. Ireland & Wales!

Help shape the future of sustainable farming!

Join the Land Use to Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Accounting Project and gain valuable insights into your farm’s carbon footprint while earning £200/farm/year + VAT for your participation.

Limited to 28 farmers – Apply now!