Title: ‘LEAF Surgery – Looking Ahead to the Role and Value of Digital Tools for Verification’
Date: Friday 10th November 2023
Time: 10:00 – 10:45am.
We are delighted to invite you to the next LEAF Surgery, focusing on digital tools for verification.
Digital tools can assist the agricultural industry with a number of challenges, including transitions towards decarbonisation and climate change mitigation, ecological restoration and the health of agricultural soils, from individual farm level to landscape scale.
Data collected through digital tools is a key part in evidence-based decision making that supports farmers and supply chains to generate positive change, to bring solutions to these environmental and agricultural challenges.
In this session we will hear from Richard Profit, CEO of Cool Farm Alliance, and Tim Hopkin, Founder of the Land App, to explore two integral pathways towards evidencing two key challenges for sustainable agriculture: Greenhouse Gas emissions and land use for on-farm and landscape biodiversity, through collaboration, and reliable, robust data verification processes.
Please join us via this link on Friday 10th November, at 10am.
We are not using pre-registration for this surgery: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84717261196?pwd=azUrNjdBNXQ4TEYyMmFycEhlSFdudz09
Meeting ID: 847 1726 1196
Passcode: 262789
Registered address only: 87b Westgate, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 6LE England