
Welcome to our new members from January to April 2023

The Cool Farm Alliance is excited to welcome and introduce our newest members who joined our community from January to April.

Together, we hope to achieve our goal to foster informed on-farm decisions that minimise agriculture’s environmental impact around the world. Take a closer look at our members and discover their aspirations and strategies for contributing to the Cool Farm Alliance. Let’s embark on this journey together and make a positive impact on our planet!

Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) based in Costa Rica 

The Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) is a rapidly expanding global network of 22 organisations dedicated to reforming agriculture for a more sustainable future. We promote regenerative agriculture practices in order to minimise greenhouse gas emissions, boost biodiversity, and improve rural livelihoods. In 1998, SAN created the SAN Certification Standard to assist growers in achieving sustainable farming. We have evolved throughout time to assist many groups in accomplishing sustainable goals such as climate change adaptation and eliminating global inequalities.  

Trustea Sustainable Tea Foundation based in India

The Trustea Sustainable Tea Foundation is promoting sustainable transformation of the Indian tea industry through voluntary adoption of the Trustea code. It is governed by a multi-stakeholder Trustea Sustainable Tea Council and requires external verification audits by auditors approved by the Code secretariat in the first year. Being certified to the Indian tea sustainability program will help Trustea ensure a highly competitive market access for the trustea certified organisations. 

Trustea has developed pathways to achieve sustainability following different activities. 

  • Code revision 
  • Revision of assurance process 
  • Stakeholder engagement 
  • Research and Development (for code and process improvement) 
  • Monitoring of code and processes 
  • Training support and advice 
  • Implementation partnerships 

Trustea envisages the following impact of its sustainability code resulting from the various activities as discussed above. 

  • Sector/ Landscape Governance – Establishment of a mechanism to ensure sustainable tea production. 
  • Business Practices – Better and sustainable business practices
  • Field Level – Better quality of life and livelihood for the stakeholders   

Nature’s pride based in the Netherlands

Nature’s pride is one of the largest importers of fruit and vegetables in Europe. We source more than 220 different fruits and vegetables from nearly 53 countries, from ready-to-eat and exotics to berries and off-season products. Our office and production location is in Maasdijk, the Netherlands and we have about 500 employees. 

We have set targets for scope 1 and scope 2 emissions and have been monitoring scope 3 emissions since 2017. More granual and farm-level data would be collected to better understand and mitigate emissions in scope 3. Data is used for Science Based Targets initiative-Forest, Land, and Agriculture (SBTi FLAG) goals, climate roadmap 2023 – 2028 and as an impact assessment for a project that funded by the Dutch government

Pinion based in the United States 

Pinion is a food & agricultural consulting and accounting firm. We help farms and ranches optimize finances and business operations. There are about 10 members in the sustainability team which span across the United States. Our firm has offices in about 11 states across the US with about 700 employees. 

Pinion supports food and agricultural industry members in developing Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and Green House Gas (GHG) inventories. The Cool Farm Tool was recommended as a leading tool for farm-level GHG quantification for Pinion clients. We would like to join Cool Farm Tool as members to support the continued development and adoption of the tool across the industry, as well as use the tool for GHG inventories. 

Nuveen Natural Capital based in the United States 

Nuveen Natural Capital is a land focused asset management platform focused on farmland and timberland, managing approximately 3 million acres across 600 properties in 10 countries with 200+ employees. 

Nuveen Natural Capital is interested in the alliance to join the community for understanding and implementing sustainable agriculture best practices. Also interested in the Cool Farm Tool to quantify on farm greenhouse gas emissions at scale, track, and help in our pursuit of target setting for reduced emissions. 

GreenoSoil AG based in Switzerland / Moldova 

GreenO is a data platform focused on sustainable and regenerative agriculture, empowering the food value chain to move towards the decarbonization, and helping farmers to monetize their data and get incentives to finance their transition from conventional into regenerative agriculture practices. 

GreenO provides two types of data on their platform. One is the remotely generated data, based on AI / ML algorithms and mainly focused on satellites data. We can identify fields boundaries, crops, main practices, soil carbon sequestration potential etc. 
Another is the data upload by the farmer itself, mainly related to technology used, seeds, chemicals, fertilizers, inputs costs etc.  

But to calculate more exact the emissions per ha / t of products, we would like to integrate the use of the Cool Farm Tool. Above mentioned data can help us automatize the calculation of per ha emissions.

Ostrom Climate Solutions (Canada) INC based in Canada 

Ostrom Climate Solutions (Canada) INC is an environmental consultancy. 

It will be used to help measure our clients’ carbon emissions footprint. 

Regenagri CiC based in the United Kingdom 

Regenagri CiC is supporting the transition to regenerative agriculture through the provision of measurement and verification solutions, supported by the Cool Farm Tool. 

Frontier Agriculture Limited based in the United Kingdom 

Frontier Agriculture is an agricultural inputs and outputs business that supplies farms with inputs such as fertiliser, plant protection products, seed, agronomy advice and buying the outputs from farms principally grains. Frontier covers 35 locations with circa 1200 employees. 

Frontier Agriculture serve as an intermediary between farmers and grain consumers and is responsible for helping farmers produce better footprints for the crops they grow. We help create a better understanding both on farm and for those buying the crops as to where emissions are generated and how improvements can be made over time.  

The Cool Farm Tool would help provide better access to measurements which would improve practices by increasing knowledge and improving the overall emissions from farming. 

Wiuz based in France 

Wiuz is a French digital and agricultural Platform. The company has 20 employees. From seeding to harvesting, the WIUZ platform supports farmer and his adviser to manage the traceability of the production. 

We want to support farmers in their adaptation to global warming and agro-ecological transition. We will be able to measure greenhouse gas footprint and impact for farmers with the Cool Farm Tool. They will be able to identify the best solutions to improve. 

Find out more about becoming a member of the Cool Farm Alliance here or get in touch with our team.

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