Cool Farm Alliance – Annual Report Calendar Year 2023

We are excited to present our Annual Report for the 2023 calendar year summarising activities and progress.

Chair Welcome Message

Welcome, Cool Farm Alliance Members and Visitors,

We extend our gratitude for your ongoing support, which drives our mission to implement better farming practices amidst climate changes and disrupted supply chains. In 2023, efforts were dedicated to advancing the Cool Farm Tool and ensuring robust financial control for continued growth.

CEO Welcome

CEO Richard Profit welcomes you and highlights key achievements in 2023, including the Annual Event, Cool Farm Tool v2.0 release, external engagements, and alignment with Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Challenges and Solutions

Challenges with the release of Cool Farm Tool v2.0 prompted the redesign of the underlying architecture, leading to the development of the Cool Farm Platform and the Perennials GHG Pathway. Increased resources are allocated to refining calculation methodologies and enhancing development processes.

2024 Priorities
Key priorities for 2024 include strengthening trust in the Cool Farm Tool, aligning with regulatory standards, and delivering credible and usable functionality to drive adoption and impact.

Engagement and Learning Initiatives

In 2023, engagement initiatives flourished, including face-to-face events, a Certified Advisor Programme, and a Cool Farm Knowledge Base. Thought Leadership webinars and external engagements enhanced the Alliance's global reach and reputation.

Cool Farm Tool Enhancements

The delivery of Cool Farm Tool v2.0 brought notable improvements in calculation methodologies and forged strategic partnerships for future developments.

Read more in the full Cool Farm Annual Report.

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