
Growing Together: Welcoming Our New Cool Farm Alliance Members (August-October 2023)

The Cool Farm Alliance is pleased to welcome new members to our community, whose goal is to foster informed on-farm decisions that minimise agriculture's environmental impact around the world.

Learn more about our new members who joined the Alliance from August to October 2023, as well as their plans and ambitions for the Alliance.

Lasso Solutions Inc. based in the United States

Lasso is an emissions management software for farmers and brands, they also help farmers implement the right emission reduction practices.

They will rely on the Cool Farm Tool to offer farmers options to assess their carbon footprint and inform their decisions on the steps they can take to reduce it.

Bunge Alimentos S/A based in Brazil

Bunge is one of the world’s leading agribusiness and food corporations, and they have been involved in the production, processing, and distribution of agricultural commodities and sustenance for over 200 years. Their four core business segments are agriculture, foods and ingredients, sugar and bioenergy, and fertilisers. Bunge cultivates and processes key grains such as soy, wheat, corn, and canola, and also produces a wide range of products from vegetable oils to animal feeds, processed foods to culinary ingredients, and even biofuels. The company has operations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, with a workforce of approximately 23,000 employees.

Bunge is committed to pioneering leadership in the market and fostering a sustainable, low-carbon ecosystem within the agricultural domain. They believe that the Cool Farm Alliance (CFA) and its Cool Farm Tool (CFT) are essential tools for achieving these goals. They believe that the Cool Farm Alliance is a platform for collaboration with like-minded entities to propel sustainable agricultural practices forward. The Cool Farm Tool is a tool that will help Bunge measure and assess the environmental impact of their operations and supply chain and make informed decisions to reduce emissions and resource utilisation.

By engaging with the CFA and utilising the CFT, Bunge is poised to not only achieve their sustainability goals but also advance their ambition to be the foremost catalyst for producer-centric, low-carbon agriculture. This reflects the essence of their commitment to excellence, fostering sustainability, and cultivating meaningful transformation within the realm of agribusiness.

Campbell Soup Company based in the United States

Campbell Soup company has a rich history of making foods and beverages we all know and love. This history inspires their purpose of connecting people through food they love. The company was founded in 1869, and today they are a focused brand powerhouse with two divisions: Meals & Beverages and Snacks. They play an integral role in society; from the food they make and the ways they make it to their longstanding commitment to the communities they call home and the environment.

They are committed to combating climate change and mitigating its impacts. In March 2022 they announced a Science Based Target, including a commitment to reduce absolute Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from purchased goods and services and upstream transportation and distribution by 25%. Measuring and tracking emissions in key supply chains will be important to meeting this goal. Therefore, they are piloting the integration of the Cool Farm Tool into their sustainable agriculture programme.

Catholic Relief Services based in Guatemala

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is a global humanitarian and development agency that works to assist the poor and vulnerable, promote human development, and foster peaceful and just societies. They operate in over 100 countries and have approximately 650 staff in their Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office. CRS’ technical expertise spans agriculture, emergency response, peacebuilding, education, and youth development. The agency is organised into three regional platforms: Water Smart Agriculture, Peacebuilding, and Empower (Emergency).

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Blue Harvest Regenerative program utilises Water Smart Agriculture (WSA) techniques and technologies to safeguard and revitalise soil, enhance water management, and cultivate diversified coffee agroforestry systems. By integrating agricultural best practices with effective watershed management, Blue Harvest fosters climate resilience, elevates coffee farm productivity, and boosts profitability, achieving positive outcomes both on and off the farm. CRS and its partners are keen to explore the role of Blue Harvest practices in balancing greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration within coffee agroforestry systems.

FUNDACION ALIADOS based in Ecuador

FUNDACION ALIADOS connects smallholder farmers to global markets through regenerative agriculture, preserving the world’s most biodiverse landscapes. Operating in the Andean Amazon, a region of exceptional biodiversity facing significant threats, Aliados partners with 13 indigenous communities to develop regenerative products and conserve forests. They collaborate with the Central Chachi indigenous community to establish a regenerative cocoa model for broader biodiversity conservation. With administrative offices in Quito, ALIADOS has 16 employees.

The world faces a pressing challenge – how to produce more food while minimising the environmental harm caused by agriculture. Smallholder farmers, who play a crucial role in global food production, are often at the heart of this dilemma. While they practice less destructive farming methods than industrial agriculture, smallholders face numerous obstacles in adopting regenerative practices and accessing lucrative markets. FUNDACION ALIADOS addresses this challenge by empowering rural and indigenous communities and entrepreneurs to transition to regenerative agriculture and integrate into sustainable value chains. The organisation’s comprehensive approach includes training, financial support, and market partnerships, enabling smallholders to enhance their productivity, add value to their products, and contribute to a more resilient food system.

YAGRO LTD is based in the United Kingdom

Founded in 2015 with a mission to enhance farm input transparency, YAGRO has evolved into a comprehensive data analytics platform, empowering farmers with actionable insights. Their platform integrates granular on-farm data with market-level information, enabling the development of performance-driven models based on real-world agricultural practices. YAGRO’s passionate team of farmers, entrepreneurs, and technologists is committed to transforming the food and farming landscape through impactful and accessible data solutions.

YAGRO has joined the Cool Farm Alliance to further its commitment to sustainable agriculture. The Cool Farm Tool’s (CFT) carbon footprinting tools will complement YAGRO’s existing analytics, providing farmers with a more holistic understanding of their environmental impact. YAGRO believes that collaboration with other sustainability-focused organisations will enhance its knowledge and amplify its impact.

Auravant Corp SL based in Spain

Auravant’s software platform streamlines the daily operations and tasks of agronomists and farmers, enabling them to easily implement precision agriculture practices.

To advance sustainability efforts, they aim to empower farmers with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions. By integrating the CFT into their platform, they will enable their users to accurately measure and track the carbon and water footprint of their crops, utilising the existing farm management data stored in their accounts.

United Kingdom Tea & Infusions Association together with the Tea and Herbals Association of Canada and the Tea Association of the USA. (Joint membership)

UKTIA is a trade association representing the interests of tea and herbal infusion trade in the UK. This membership is held jointly by UKTIA, THAC (Tea and Herbals Association of Canada), and the USTA (United States Tea Association). These associations represent the tea trade interests of their respective countries. THAC and UKTIA both cover tea and herbal infusion while USTA only covers tea.

UKTIA, THAC, and USTA are interested in the use of the CFT in the tea and Herbal and Fruit Infusion (HFI) supply chains, to help identify the steps needed to improve the industry’s carbon footprint and to provide insights on how to support biodiversity and reduce environmental impacts in tea and Herbal and Fruit Infusion (HFI) production. They are particularly interested in the development of perennial typologies for use in tea and for other crops (such as rooibos) and the application of the current annual typologies to other HFI ingredients.

Intersnack Procurement B.V. is based in the Netherlands

Intersnack Group. It is the central buying organisation of Intersnack Group.

Intersnack Procurement B.V. is a subsidiary of Intersnack Group, responsible for the procurement of goods and services for the entire Intersnack Group. It has around 120 employees and is governed by the Intersnack Procurement Management team, which consists of a board of directors. The organisation includes various category management teams located in different countries.

Intersnack, as a signatory to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), acknowledges that Scope 3 emissions pose a substantial hurdle in fulfilling the Paris Agreement’s objectives. To address this challenge, Intersnack is establishing a Sustainable Agriculture Program to spearhead emission reduction strategies primarily focused on key agricultural commodities. The Cool Farm Tool is recognised as a crucial component in acquiring data, conducting measurements, and tracking emission reductions. Additionally, Intersnack views the opportunity to engage in pre-competitive learning and knowledge exchange with like-minded companies as a significant benefit of collaborating with the Cool Farm Alliance.

Find out more about becoming a member of the Cool Farm Alliance here or get in touch with our team. 

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